Believe in your fucking self. Write your fucking story the way it needs to be written. Write that fucking book or story - don't just fucking talk about it. Edit that fucking story. And revise and fucking edit it again. Don't be afraid to fucking rewrite what you've already written if it doesn't work. Don’t fucking procrastinate. Stay up all fucking night writing. Or get up fucking early to write. Work outside of your fucking habits. Keep fucking learning. Read a fucking book. Then read more. You can’t be a better writer if you don’t fucking read. Find fucking inspiration everywhere. Stop fucking blaming agents. Or editors. Or Amazon. Or book stores. Or the entire fucking publishing industry. Learn to take some fucking criticism. Get over your fucking self. Use fucking spell check. Make your readers fucking care about what you’ve written. Question fucking everything you’ve written and make it better. Fucking network with other writers. Learn to fucking appreciate the writing community. Send that fucking query but read the fucking submission guidelines. Writing is fucking hard. So is life. Nobody fucking cares about the challenges writers face. Work harder. Don’t fucking quit. Don’t let rejections define you. Or your writing. Be fucking creative. Think about all the fucking possibilities writing offers. It can be the best fucking job in the world if you don't fuck it up. And keep fucking writing.


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